
Class (担当授業)

2023年度(1Q) 地球生命研究基礎特論B (Earth-Life Science B)

The purpose of this class is to provide students with a wide range of fundamental knowledge in life science and related fields (molecular and cell biology, biochemical engineering, population dynamics, bioenergetics, synthetic biology, astrobiology, etc.). This class is also aimed for students who did not have the opportunity to study life science during their undergraduate period. We expect this class to provide basic knowledge towards becoming an interdisciplinary researcher through the Earth-Life Science graduate course.

2023年度(2Q) 合成生物学 (Synthetic Biology)

With the recent development of biotechnology, it has become possible to artificially design and engineer living systems. Research in this field is known as synthetic biology. In this lecture, we will learn the basic techniques in the field of synthetic biology, how they have led to the understanding of living systems, and how they are being implemented in society.

2023年度(1-4Q) 地球生命研究開発プロジェクトM (Research development project for Earth-Life Science M)

Through group exercises with industries in the fields of space science and life science etc, students learn how to set and solve social problems. In addition to acquiring the basic knowledge necessary for group discussions, students will acquire the skills necessary to implement basic science in society.